Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ahmadinejad: What would Jesus do today?

The question came in his new year greeting to the Christian world:

"My one question from the Christians is: What would Jesus do if he were present in the world today? What would he do before some of the oppressive powers of the world who are in fact residing in Christian countries? Which powers would he revive and which of them would he destroy?" the Iranian president asked.

I would like to answer for that:
If JC was present today, he would have done nothing to the oppressive powers you are speaking about, nor he would have revived or destroyed either powers, why? Well if you have read anything regarding the life of JC you would have known that he came and went in peace, he never used any force in his mission nor he has taken sides and for sure he did not destroy any powers that existed back then.
But I'm willing to bite and assume that nowadays he will take sides and destroy the vicious power he sees deemed.
Sure you are right, he will take the side of the Muslim world against the oppressive powers of the west, I mean how dare they allow their people to practice personal freedom even if it means disobeying him in certain matters? Why would they not give privilege to people who follow him and discriminate those who don't? How dare they alienate his church from state like this, I know he said to give what belongs to Caesar to Caesar and what is God's to God but not like this. And why did they have to become so rich, didn't they know that JC loves the poor.
But on the other side, the Muslim world they do not allow people to commit acts that anger God and all they want is to live in peace and of course they treat his followers real nice no persecution or anything. So yes I do agree that Jesus would have taken the Muslim side.

Then he asks another question:

"If Jesus were present today, who would be facing him and who would be following him?" He added.

Now that's an easy question I do not need to answer, but if the answer I have in mind is true, well wouldn't this make today's Muslims to become infidels?
Someone please answer my question.


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