They simply prompting the extreme culture, that Muslims should spend their time in Saudi Arabia, spending their money to Saudies. How much sins Muslims have been committing and that requires prayers all the time.
Anyhow, they were talking about Lailat El Kader (which should be the night when all your sins will be vanished if you walk up all night to pray).
I don't mind people doing this or it is not my business, but what really struck me is, they said it should be odd day, means (23, 25, 27 or 29 of Ramadan) which I never heard before like most of the new things we hear every day but this is not the issue.
The issue which I didn't get is, Muslim countries started fasting on three different days, which means lailat el Kader can't occur on the same day unless it is customized for each country.
I am just wondering, these people who keep coming up with these things don't think, or I guess they know that people will listen and never think.

Firstly, let me start with :
" that Muslims should spend their time in Saudi Arabia, spending their money to Saudies. How much sins Muslims have been committing and that requires prayers all the time."
It's true, Muslim people spending their times for Allah, fast and make prayers, not drink alcohol and spend their money in club nights with some bad ladies.
Well, Let talk about the night of alkader, the right thing is that Muslim countries started fasting on the same day, but unfortunately there is some people like use the old methods that make this difference "three different days". However, its not problems and the lalet alkader still the same for all Muslims, because it comes in the 10 last days, that means there is commune night between all these people in the last 10 day which is lalate Alkader.
I think you are Kristien, let me tell you something, all kristien in the word believe that the god is a man and still until this day make a prayers for a man . moreover, they believe that this bible is the word of god, that's fanny !!!! in this bible there is some phrase describe the god like a sheep with 7 eyes.
In Islam, the god is a god, no body cans see him.....
Good observation for someone who is not Muslim, and here are some answers to your legitimate questions. Going to Saudi Arabia, MECCA precisely is a chance for any Muslim to take, especially during such a holy month. Therefore, it is not about spending money on the Saudi economy. believe me, Saudi Arabia has plenty of money to cover your entire country and mine, and they do not wait for 10 days in a year for the money to come from pilgrims.
As for the commencement day of Ramadan, well, it is an astrological issue more than anything else. The geographic location of your country dictates when you can see the moon. Ramadan starts with a new moon, and the sighting is what decides the first day of Ramadan. Some countries can see the moon therefore, they can start the fast the next day while other countries will see that sweet moon only a day after usually. So, this is why the start day differs from country to the next.
Now I have a comment to those who lack English skills to refrain from making comments that can mislead or be misinterpreted. I hate when a language is butchered such as the response from this anonymous person.
One more thing I might add as a response to your questions is for you to check the following link where you can watch taped debate and presentation of Ahmed Deedat who is truly a scholar of first class as he studied both, the bible and the Koran, and I am sure you will be best served by just watching his speeches rather than wasting your time reading some comments that do not fit the spirit of your questions.
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