- Eating ham (which I don't understand why as long as we have fridge these days to preserve it)
- Alcohol (which I think it should be being drunk and not Alcohol).
The thing is, during last 20 years, new things started to be added to this list based on fabrication and supported by Oil money and here is a sample:
- Women's hair
- Pretty much women's body.
- Men wearing gold.
- Men wearing Silk.
- Eating with left hand.
- Statues.
- Having Dogs indoors.
- Photography.
- Music that moves your senses.
And that is only what I have heard so far (feel free to add to this list if you know more)
The thing that freaks me out is that this not it, the list is growing up every day and it won't stop.
The good news is, I have a back door access and I got you the candidate items that will make 2007 list and here how it looks:
- Thinking.
- Reading anything except Quran.
- Women.
- Traveling except to Mecca and Maddina (the holly Muslim places).
- Dealing with non-Muslims.
Wish you a happy life.

You can add this to the original list:
- Gambling.
- Bank interest
- Smoking.
Eating with the left hand? Crap, I'm left-handed...I'm screwed.
yes Maii,
You screwed, you should look for a left handed religion!!!
Please do some research before publishing such comments. Most of what you have written is hearsay and not islamic teaching. Please take these comments in the right spirit, most of what is propogated about islam or in fact what is being practiced by many muslims has nothing to do with Islam, the religion of peace.
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